The genuine Alpenhirt Bergsalsiz

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We tested 2 dried sausages: the Bergsalsiz & Chilisalsiz

Foodspotters foodeli

First, imagine you are on a hike in the Alps..

and this is your lunch


This authentic packaging already adds some mountain atmosphere there..


Let’s bake a butter Zopf & make a sandwich with this dried sausage. That’ll will be delicious 😉

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Foodspotters Team tested

about this Graubuenden Speciality from Alpenhirt

” Ideal for a healthy snack break! Homemade Zopf, Meerrettich creme & a carrot juice, ..what else?”


Food scout

“My favourite flavor is the Chilisalsiz dried sausage, a kick in the mouth 😉 and a subtle fire! “


guest TASTER

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What is the Bergsalsiz made of?

About the sausage:
It is made of 100% beef from an average 10-year-old cow
that had 8 offspring & was allowed to spend 7 summers in the Graubünden Alps.


The way you cut your meat reflects the way you live

10 ways to eat this sausage

You can eat cold meat with fruits, cheeses, olives, pickles,
rustic bread, in aperos, in meals like paella and more..

foodspotters switzerland top chef

Behind this premium dried sausage

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Author: foodspotters