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Steak, Chutney & a bio Pinot noir

Liesch Bioweine + Chiliwerk + Dattelmann

bio pinot noir with steak and chutney

For all meat & wine lovers out there..
On this post, we did a quite interesting food pairing with a piece of steak from our local butcher, an original chutney from Chiliwerk , some bio raisins from Dattelmann in an healthy coleslaw salad & a bio Pinot noir from Liesch Bioweine !

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Best steak marinade easy?

mix, soak meat, sit back, fry..

fleisch marinade
Marinade for meat

Look at that marinade & this beautiful bright color!
Here are the ingredients we used:

  • garlic
  • mustard
  • rosmarin
  • capers
  • olive oil
Frying meat in Lyonnaise pan
Foodspotters Mascotte

The extra chutney touch

apple-onions-ginger chutney

Apple Onion Chutney from Chiliwerk
Apple Onion Chutney by Chiliwerk

We found the perfect fruity condiment for our meat & bio Pinot noir, a chutney Apple-Onion from Chiliwerk.
Chiliwerk offers a wide range of chutneys and other condiments.

foodspotters top chef

Did you know?

chutney (chatni) is a family of condiments or sauces in the cuisines of South Asia. ” Chatni” an East Indian terms means “strongly spiced”!

Behind this chutney

Discover Chiliwerk

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Coleslaw salad with bio raisins

a delicious – healthy salad

Coleslaw with bio raisins from Dattelmann

To go with the meat, we made a Coleslaw salad with bio raisins from Dattelmann.
Dattelmann is spezialised in dried fruits, dates, dry herbs & more(More about this brand here)

Behind the bio dried fruits

Discover Dattelmann

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Pinot noir AOC 2017 from Liesch Bioweine

Malanser Blauburgunder

Malanser Pinot Noir Bio Liesch Bioweine

We enjoyed our meal with a top-class Pinot Noir from the Graubünden region and produced according to the rules of biodynamics.
This pinot is produced by Margaret & Louis Liesch. The couple dedicated to winemaking can be proud; as organic pioneers, they converted their farm to organic cultivation as early as 1986.
Today, they are able to contribute to the organic cultivation of approximately 20% of the Malans vineyard area today. This also makes Malans a pioneer village for controlled organic viticulture in German-speaking Switzerland.

Behind this bio Pinot noir

Discover Liesch Bioweine

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The Foodspotters Team tested

our feedback

“A beautiful down to earth Malanser. This full-bodied, powerful Pinot noir is light, soft and juicy on the palate. A wine to enjoy “


Food scout

“This chutney was delicious and intense in flavour. A lightly spiced chutney with apple, onions and ginger that pairs great with our meat. “


guest TASTER

Malanser Pinot noir Liesch Bioweine
Meat with lightly spiced chutney
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Kitchen Tools

The meat & the Lyonnaise pan

Before our cooking session we had to season our Noser-Inox black steel Lyonnaise pan(Lyonerpfanne).
Seasoning is this first essential step that’ll give your pan a longer lifespan. It’ll also be easy to clean and avoid rusting.
Here are the steps for seasoning your pan & it’ll take you about 1h30:

  • Fill the pan with water and and heat for approximately 10minutes.
  • With a kitchen paper, add an extra oil to grease the surface, the patina.
  • Leave in the oven for an hour
  • Make sure you have your silicon gloves when taking it out(because it’s damn hot!)
  • Your pan is ready!
Carbon steel Lyonnaise Pan
Noser-Inox Bratpfannen
Noser-Inox Lyonnaise pan
Carbon steel Lyonnaise pan
Frying steak in Nose-Inox Lyonnaise pan

This pan won’t get noticed in your kitchen..This is the Lyonnaise pan, a heavy carbon black steel pan perfect for people interested to cook authentic, fans of no-nonsense cooking.
All you need to know about the Noser-Inox pan here

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“Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine was every granted by the gods to man.”

Author: foodspotters