A Pure Taste Spicy Green Pepper Sauce

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We tasted an original 1 year fermented
Swiss green pepper sauce from Pure Taste

Foodspotters foodeli

Alapeño Chili sauce from Pure taste

let’s meet Don Leoni’s..


About Fermenting

For those who are discovering fermented food on this Blog, it is nowadays quite popular.
Before refrigeration & pasteurising, fermenting was the primary way for people to preserve perishable food.
Fermentation is a natural way to preserve and extend life of food like vegetables, dairy products & more. Fermentation unlocks a range of flavors and there are different types:
– bacterial ferments (the most common type)
– mold ferments
– bacterial & yeast ferments

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About this fermented sauce

Foodspotters tasted it with cabillaud fish,
fried potatoes, spring & red onions, from our local farm market.

” I previously read about the Don Leoni range & the warning!
The pepper sauce was wow…intense & strong in flavor. The spiciness was medium hot but didnt burn my mouth;-) “


Food scout

“This sauce was recommended for grill lovers but I would definitely recommend it with fish. Potatoes and onions calmed down the game of spiciness while revealing the intensity of peppers. “


guest TASTER

foodspotters top chef

About the jalapeño chilli

Did you know?

Most of jalapeños come from Mexico. The locals eat jalapeños as snacks. The red varieties of jalapeños are milder and sweeter than the green ones.


Live Life with a little spice!

foodspotters switzerland top chef

Discover who’s behind this raw green pepper sauce

Discover Pure Taste

Author: foodspotters