A fine handcrafted Syrup

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We tasted these handcrafted syrups

handcrafted syrup
Foodspotters foodeli

Handcrafted syrups with real fruits

and some unexpected flavours 😉


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about these syrups

” This Pine Syrup is not an offroad syrup exuding of fresh herbal flavors and hints of lemon. What about for winter cocktails ;-)?”


Food scout

“Because Salty & Sweet flavours are often great together, our Berries syrup was perfect with our Foccaccia & salad meal.”


guest TASTER

A syrup to sweeten your water

at lunchtime, at 4 o’ clock or after work;-)

handcrafted syrup

All syrups & other fine food products from Sirup Spezialitäten
feature beautiful hand drawn illustrations & humourful..

foodspotters top chef

Pine(Fichten) Syrup

Did you know?
Pine are high in Vitamin C and can be used as an expectorant for cough
to relieve chest congestion.

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How to use Syrups?

You can draft some great cocktails, tasty mocktails with syrups
You can use syrups to sweeten homemade lemonade or iced tea
you can moisten cakes
you can poach fruits
give this additional touch to panna cotta
you can add syrup in your dressings
in yogurts

A lemon syrup dressing recipe

what you need:
hazelnut oil + basalmic vinegar + lemon syrup +
mustard in grains + salt + Espelette pepper

The secret ingredient is the fruit.

Discover who’s behind the syrups

Discover Sirupspezialitaeten.

Author: foodspotters