A Noos walnut Liqueur for Apero

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Lemon Liqueur on the Rocks VS Walnut Liqueur on ice cream
How to serve Liqueur?

Foodspotters foodeli

At first sight, what awesome looking liquor bottles!
Beautiful bottle packaging designs..

so, we tasted these 2 Liqueurs for you


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Lemon Liqueur vs Walnut Liqueur

by the Foodspotters Team

“A very lemony chilled drink, &
I liked it on the rocks;-)
Very intense & refreshing on warm summer days!”


Food scout

“With chocolate ice cream & caramel, the Walnut liqueur I really liked the extra spicy nutty touch. Great digestive dessert”


guest TASTER

The Walnut Premium Liqueur

How to serve it?

Walnut liqueur goes well with cocktails, so we had to find something different..What about in a dessert with ice cream?
We took some artisanal chocolate ice cream (pick one with chunky bits) and added the Noos Nocino liqueur as a topping. The perfect digestive dessert!


First serve some chocolate ice cream, add some caramel tiny cubes


Finally the last touch, add some Noos Premium Walnut Liqueur on top & enjoy!

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Did you Know that?

Liqueurs were made in Italy by monks in the early 13th century.
It was developped as an approach to infuse herbs for medicinal use.


Writer’s block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they can have an excuse to drink alcohol
Steve Martin


Walnut Liqueur will add some sweet nutty flavor to cocktails.
Lemon Liqueur goes in cakes, cheesecakes or gelato.

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Behind these 2 Liqueurs

discover Noos Nocino or discover Sciur Limun

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Author: foodspotters