Fresh Salad with 100% Bio Oil

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Bio Sacha Inchi Paytiti Oil Tasting

Organic, Fair, Sustainable Oil

Bio Oil Sacha Inchi Paytiti

For this tasting session we’ll show you how to prepare a super fresh healthy salad with green peas, pomegranate, spinach leaves & an original dressing with 100% bio oil from Paytiti.

The legendary city of Paytiti was the hidden, last retreat of the Incas during the Spanish conquest. For hundreds of years, adventurers have searched for this lost city, where the treasures of the Incas are said to be hidden.

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One Healthy Oil to try on your next Salad

What we need for our salad: peas, spinach leaves, snow peas, green peas and pomegranate seeds.
Cook all the peas in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes and immediately refresh in cold water. 
Drain and put aside. While its cooling down make your salad dressing with our Paytiti Bio oil. (see further down below)
Yes! an easy salad recipe, so healthy under 2minutes! 😉

Pomegranate in salad
French beans snow peas and spinach
Snow peas spinach salad
Bio Oil Sacha Inchi Paytiti

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The Vinaigrette Dressing

is like the cherry on a cake

No matter the attention you give to your veggies, the Dressing in a salad is key & super important because it all improves flavor & taste of your greens.
Eating salad every day is directly related to higher nutritional levels. Adding salad seasonings to salads can increase the absorption of certain nutrients.

Vinaigrette Dressing with Bio Oil from Paytiti

Here’s the formula we used for our vinaigrette salad dressing:

– 6 soup spoons of Paytiti Bio Oil
– 1 garlic clove, chopped
– 4 soup spoons of soja sauce
– pepper
– 1/2 a coffee spoon of chili paste
– chopped coriander
– freshly grated ginger

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What’s in the Sacha Inchi Bio Oil?


Recent scientific studies have shown that Sacha Inchi is the best oil in the world due to its ingredients:
the oil is rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids (over 47%) and omega-6 fatty acids (36%) ). The digestibility is very high (more than 96%), and it has antioxidant vitamin A and alpha-tocopherol vitamin E. It is also rich in essential and non-essential amino acids, which can enhance your health.

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Pairing our salad with a soft drink

We tasted the Lichee Maté from Brio “Drink of the Gods”

Lichee Mat from Brio

We paired our fresh salad with a low sugar & fresh energising Lychee Maté from Brio. (Discover this drink HERE)

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our feedback

“A nutty & light oil! In a vinaigrette or just a dip with some baguette. Delicious.”


Food scout

“A fresh salad, beautiful shades of green with a super dressing. Simple & tasty”


guest TASTER

Cold Pressed Oil Paytiti
Salsiz Foodspotters Tasting

Behind this tasty nutty Bio Oil

Discover Paytiti

If my cuisine were to be defined by just one taste, it would be that of subtle, aromatic, extra-virgin olive oil.
A. Ducasse

Author: foodspotters