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Healthy Spritzers, crunchy mushrooms chips & nuts

Samuel’s Schorlen + Forestly Foods + nuts

Healthy Spritzer Samuels Schorle

Hey Foodies, sunny days are coming so let’s enjoy the summer with cold spritzers!
So we’ve tasted 4 original Swiss drinks, super healthy Spritzers from Samuel’s Schorle:

  • the classic “Apfel” Apple Spritzer
  • the “Apfel Rhabarber Aronia” Apple Rhubarb aronia Spritzer
  • the “Himbeer Apfel Hagebutte” Raspberry Apple Rosehip Spritzer
  • the “Apfel Pfefferminze Quitte” Apple Peppermint Quince Spritzer

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No preservative. Natural Flavors what else?

vegan certified and 100% Swiss-made

Samuels Schorle Spritzer
Samuels Schorle Spritzer

First the beautiful illustrated labels on these bottles are just an open invitation–to the tasting!
A burst of happiness at first sight with this little guy in his fruity world!
For the small story the founders of Samuel’s Schorle created the brand after their son’s name, willing to create a healthy drink for their kid;-)
They also own another drink label, the regional beer Euelbräu.

Samuels Schorle Spritzer
Samuels Schorle Spritzer

Unless other spritzers we find in supermarkets, these are light, no sugar overdose and with subtile flavours.
Samuel’s Schorle are preservatives-free so let’s enjoy some healthy drinks with healthy snacks.

papaya with chutney

Behind the healthy spritzers

Discover Samuel’s Schorle

Foodspotters Mascotte

Pairing Spritzer with mushroom chips

tasty healthy savoury snacks

Mushroom chips by Forestly
Mushroom chips wasabi by Forestly

After Pandemic, healthy natural food is {new now
We paired our apple healthy spritzers with mushrooms chips from Forestly Foods.
Forestly’s mission is to bring the mushroom to another level and believes that mushrooms are the food of the future.
They offer 3 Wonderful flavour of shiitake mushrooms with nicely seasoned spices: chili, wasabi and salt& pepper.

shiitake mushrooms chips

These chips are super tasty and the crunch is awesome.
Beware..of healthy addiction! You’ll soon be replacing all your crisps by more healthy ones!!
More than for snacking, you could also soak them in a miso soup.

foodspotters top chef

But hey, what is Unami?

Umai(savorful) + mi(taste)= pleasant savory taste
known as monosodium glutamate is one of the core fifth tastes including sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.
Mushrooms have unami compounds but can also be found in seafood, seaweeds, meats, aged cheeses, tomatoes, kimchi, green tea & more.

Behind the crunchy mushroom chips

Discover Forestly Foods

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Healthy spritzer, mushroom chips, what else?

healthy snacking with Nut mix

Natural bio nut mix from Dattelamnn

We’ve also tasted another natural bio nut mix from Dattelmann’s.
Dattelmann is specialised in Dates and other dried fruits mixes.
This crunchy mix comes with pecan nuts, dates, walnuts, almonds and will surprise you with some chocolate covered beans & white chocolate chips.

Behind the healthy nut mix

Discover Dattelmann

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The Foodspotters Team tested

our feedback

“No nasty substitutes or additives, not overly gassy nor overly sweet, just a nice natural truly tasteful refreshing drink!!”


Food scout

“These shiitake mushrooms & nut mix are definitely the healthy alternative for crisps so is the spritzer for sugarful sodas! “


guest TASTER

“My cooking is simply ingredients plus unami.”
N. Matsuhisa

Author: foodspotters