About Foodspotters

How the idea was born..

About Foodspotters, 2021 Best Food Directory

Not only Pandemic changed our perception of time..

..but also our perception of consumption

Foodspotters was born in Switzerland during Pandemic Time.
The main online supermarkets were saturated and as a result, we started searching online for other food shops.
But the search got us nowhere..so we decided to build a simple search tool to find the shops selling food online.

The shopping food directory was build in less than 3 days, with no budget, by a small team of passionate designers based in Zug and Biel.

The Directory is now featuring more than 500+ food online shops around the country and new food spots are being added every day.

Our vision.

Connecting the local food actors & consumers.
There are new ways to connect again with with small actors, local producers, next door shops so that we all change our habits of consumers and go towards a better, sustainable way of living.

What is Foodspotters?

Foodspotters is a Food Directory Listing helping you find & get your Food Essentials in your Region.
In a few words we are:
– Online Shopping Search Tool
– Directory for Food Stores selling Food Online & in Store
– Find Unique Food products & Cool Food concept
– Find Food Product reviews & Cooking Recipes

What Businesses do we list in our Directory?

Foodspotters lists all food related businesses & services
near you in your region.
– Local Farms
– Small Grocery Stores, Bakeries, Butchers, Mini-markets, Speciality – Food Store, En vrac Stores, Fine Food Stores & more.
– Restaurants selling convenient Food products, specialities online or take-away
– Food Trucks

Are you looking for specific food?

We’ll help you find what you are looking for.
search by type of food
browse our Food Directory Categories
– search on our main shopping list where we have listed the most popular searched food aliments in Switzerland
– search by lifestyle & Food Choices
– search by type of services

More than a search tool,
Foodspotters is a discovery platform!

Get inspired!

We help you discover some cool food essentials near you in your city, canton & online. Are you looking for a new Swiss Fondue to taste this year? We are here to broaden your options far far away from giant supermarkets.

Where to find Foodspotters on Social Media?

Let’s stay informed & keep in touch!

We just started to socialize on many channels. You are welcome to follow us there if you want to know more about Foodspotters:

Find us on Instagram. Go & Join us here!
We’ll share some new food shops entries stories but also share some posts from our Food Blog with food products we just reviewed. And finally we try to keep you entertained with fun, humorful posts, thoughts, shout outs!

Find us on Facebook. Go & join us here!
We’ll post about Foodspotters and repost about all the food businesses in our food directory as well as we will share our mini posts of food products we tested. We just started there so we are happy if you can share our Foodspotters ‘s Page to your friends and relative.

Find us on Twitter. Go & join us here!
We mostly share about food news and food trends and of course our food posts. We also just started!

Foodspotters’s Top 10 Goals for 2021

It all started in fun but we are getting serious…


We are aiming at being the all-in-one reference platform for all food related businesses and services while keeping in mind that the small local shops are the center of this project.

Foodspotters’s goals
2. Support locals
3. Find good alternatives to Retails
4. Connect regional food producers & merchants with conscious consumers
5. Find good unique products, quality regional specialities, niche food products
6. Keep the Fun & voluntary work
7. Curate products and tell good stories
8. Meet interesting Foodies
9. More Food Tasting 😉
10. Repeat 1 to 10

Foodspotters’s Moto

This is all about..

We support Local Food Shops, Small & Medium Food Players.
We believe in a mindful shopping experience, sustainable consumption,
lifestyle, social life and a better care of our environment and resources.

#ShopBetter #LiveSmarter #ShopLocal #FoodShops #GroceryStores
#FoodSpecialities #About Foodspotters FoodForThoughts #Food Directory

The Foodspotters Team
We Spot the Cool Food Local on Foodspotters Food Directory

You can support this platform by donating

Any little help counts, what you gift us will be used to develop this platform.

Foodspotters Food Directory

your support

means a lot to us

Click on the button above to donate by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard