1 Awesome Polenta Recipe & Review

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We tested the Bio Polenta from the Biohof Hübeli

Foodspotters foodeli

Let’s bake a delicious polenta lemon-orange cake
in 45minutes..

with the bio polenta from Biohof Hübeli


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about this original dessert

” Intense lemon flavour and the polenta gives this cake an extra crunchy texture 😉 “


Food scout

“In am not a big fan of polenta but in this dessert I’d like another piece please! It tastes great! “


guest TASTER

foodspotters top chef

Did you Know that?

Polenta is rich in vitamins A and C,
contains proteins, carbohydrates & fibres


Ingredients for the Polenta Lemon cake

– 125g yoghurt
– 115g sugar
– 80g maïzena
– 110g bio polenta
– 50g almond powder
– 7,5 cl olive oil
– 2 eggs
– 2 coffee spoons yeast
– 1 bio lemon (1 zest+juice)
– 1 orange (1 zest+juice)
– 50g sugar powder


Do it at home in 7 easy Steps

1. Pre-heat oven at 175°C
2. beat the sugar and eggs with a mixer
3. in order add the yoghurt, oil, lemon and orange zests
4. add the almond powder & polenta
5. add the flower mixed with yeast
6. bake in oven at for 30-35min
7. while it is baking make the syrup with the juices and powder sugar. Pour the syrup on hot cake and let it cool down

That’s it, so easy and delicious!

Polenta is to northern Italy what bread is to Tuscany, what pasta is to Emilia-Romagna and what rice is to the Veneto: easy to make, hungry to absorb other flavours, and hugely versatile
Yottam Ottolenghi


Polenta goes well with sausages, peers, truffles, tomatoes, lam

foodspotters switzerland top chef

Behind this Polenta

discover the Biohof Hübeli

I love food
Author: foodspotters